Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Mighty Mississippi & Yoga

Day 6
Brimfield, IL - Cedar Falls, IA
5ish hours with detours

Woke up in Jubilee Camp State Park thankful the raccoons from the night before didn't carry me off.  I was convinced on several occasions that the car was moving ever so slightly...but it may have just been the torrents of sweat pouring off me and dripping down to the floorboards of the car causing the shaking.  :-)  After a brief detour to the birthplace of Carl Sandburg it was off to the Mississippi.  Dipped my toes in while dodging a barking dog and no trespassing signs.  Apparently the people of Iowa want the riverbank all to themselves.  Arrived at Terry & Rick's place.  Ahh.  An oasis.  Throw in some restorative yoga, an ice cream cone and fabulous conversations and you can call it a day.  I wonder how many cornfields I'll see tomorrow?  Feel free to take guesses and I'll have some fun prize for whoever comes closest.  :-)  Next destination...Mount Rushmore.

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