Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Day...Another Goat

Day 2 - aka National Tapioca Pudding Day
Ithaca, NY to Ohiopyle, PA
Travel Time:  about 6.5 hours
Lowest Gas Price of the Day:  $3.59
Number of Bridges I Crossed:  Too many...see below.
What I Learned:  New York and Pennsylvania are full of mountains.  I think I went through the Adirondacks and the Allegenhys today.  
Most Unexpected Event:  Somerfest...complete with parade.  It was blocking my route so I stopped and watched for a while.
Expected Highlight for Tomorrow:  Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater

Today I visited Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, NY.  It is a giant farm for farm animals rescued from abusive situations.  It's amazing how relaxed animals get when no one is planning to eat them.  If you don't know where your meat and dairy come from it's likely produced in conditions that would give you nightmares and quickly make you consider veganism.  If you are eating animal products, it's healthier for you and kinder to living things to make sure the living things weren't tortured before you ingest them.  Hope you're not eating a big burger as you read this.  :-)  Farm Sanctuary has a great website and fun t-shirts as well.
Now, for the driving...I've realized today that our country spends a lot of money on signs that state the obvious.  I guess they are okay for people who have given up meaningful thought for Lent, but for the majority of people with a slight amount of common sense...they seem redundant and often a little ridiculous.  Here are a few of the messages that I surely would not have made it my destination without: Be Alert, Slow Down Now, Buckle Up, Slowing Down Can Save a Life, Bridge May Be Icy in conjunction with Bridges Freeze First...on every single bridge, didn't we all learn this in driver's ed??  And my favorite sign of the day...Beware of Aggressive Drivers (I'm wondering if there is a higher concentration of angry drivers in the areas with these signs...or if they are spreading like those attack bees from Mexico?)
Tonight  I also arrived too late for a fire but made one anyway.  Hope it goes out soon.  It's already tomorrow and I'm ready to hit the foam...that's on the seats...that turn into a bed...inside the car  :-)  

1 comment:

  1. I k ow you enjoyed being at Farm sanctuary. looking forward to flw
    Photos. Be alert!
