Monday, July 18, 2011

The day with a Segway

Day 5
Cincinnati, OH - Brimfield, IL
6 hours travel time + 1 hour on a Segway
2 swollen ankles from too much driving
4 states passed through today
100 corn fields per state passed through
21 public bathroom used since start of trip
1,000+ miles driven
5 raccoons spotted near the dumpster
2 deer crossed my path as I drove to tent site

Location Information
Eureka, IL  The college home of Ronald Reagan
Kickapoo Creek, IL - no swimming allowed
Farmer City, IL - wins award for most oxymoronic city passed

Learned that the ship that delivered the bombs to be dropped on Japan was hit and sunk by two torpedos on its journey home.  800 of the 1,192 men made it off the vessel.  Because it was a secret mission, it took 5 days for help to arrive.  Only 300 men made it to safety.  (Or so my Segway guide said.)  She also said a wildflower garden looked like weeds to her, so I don't give too much credence to her information.

Learned that salad can be a finger food.

Odd sightings
Sign in campground bathroom:  In case of emergency use phone at gas station 4 miles away.
A crop duster buzzing cars on the highway
A black leather whip in the middle of an off ramp
A hand sticking out of the canal I visited that I thought was fake, and now, that I've looked at the photo more closely, am not sure

Today's highlight:  Viewing hundreds of fireflies lighting up over a field at dusk.

1 comment:

  1. Only you would be keeping track of the number of public restrooms used! And that hand sticking out of the canal is a bit unsettling!
