Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 15 - Seattle Public Market

6:45am - Time I left the campground
10:00pm - Time I rolled into tonight’s campground
Cheney, WA - Somewhere else in Washington on the other side of the state.  :-)
Time in car...about 10 hours.  My foot is starting to resemble a gas pedal.
Today’s spot to not sight a moose:  Turnbull Wildlife Refuge - I did see lots of great birds including a Canadian Goose that just stood in the middle of the road and then ran alongside the car when I would try to squeeze past it.  See video that I’ll post to my page later.  (Does anyone know how to rotate videos before uploading to facebook?)
Seattle’s Public Market area could be days worth of fun!  Also, there is a Chipotle only three blocks away.  Double score!  I think I could live in Seattle.  It has a great energy.
After leaving Seattle I punched in my next destination and hit “go” on the GPS.  It let me to a ferry instead of giving me land directions to my next location.  An hour and a half through rush hour traffic both ways.  I think I may need to shut the GPS off and just use my spidey sense instead!  Worst news:  The ferry was in the opposite direction of where I was actually trying to go.  How did I not notice this?  I believe I had ceased to think at that point.
Oh, forgot to mention the guy who came running toward my car waving his arms last night when I got off an exit in Spokane to look for a park.  Luckily the light turned green and I sped off...only to have two people on the highway honk at me.  Doggone those headlights!  At least I didn’t have another run in with the men in blue.  
Tomorrow:  Olympic National Park - Hoh Rainforest, Oregon and maybe Northern California

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