Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 17 - The Day of No Room at the Inn

Day 17
Hoh Rainforest Olympic NP, Washington - Cape Lookout Campground, Oregon
Milage:  5,071
Favorite State Ever:  Washington State

It has...Seattle, the ocean, average temps in the 70's in the summer, rugged coastline, mountains with snow & baby deer.  It has...Chipotle, fresh, sustainable food markets, elk, wildflowers and diversity.  It has...rainforests, national parks, moose (although well hidden), marmots and wildlife sanctuaries.  It has fresh seafood, scenic vistas, ferries, inlets, sounds, herons, eagles, osprey and cool breezes.  Tomorrow...Oregon!

Today started with a walk in the rainforest where I spotted a pileated woodpecker, a Stellars Jay and a dark-eyed junco.  Traveled the rest of the Washington coast, crossed into Oregon and realized it was Saturday.  This seems to be a day when everyone decides to go camping.  After several failed attempts to find a campground or a hotel I pulled into the day parking of Lookout Point State Park in Oregon.  After avoiding the sign that said no admittance between 10pm and 7am I found a quiet spot and squeaked in a few hours of sleep before waking up early enough to beat it out of there before the people who put the sign up got there.  I even successfully snuck a shower at the campground bathrooms before hitting the road for Day 18.  :-)

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