Thursday, July 14, 2011

And the Journey Begins

Day 1
8ish hours
Ipswich, MA to Ithaca, NY
What surprised me today: a sudden lane split, a suicidal squirrel and something that fell out of a tree and almost hit me in the head
Word I most enjoyed saying today:  Schenectady
Place most likely to have a disease named after it: Schenevus
Things I learned today:  I still love goats, the Toyota Prius is taking over the roadways of America, out of the way is the way, although Ithaca is's hard to walk far before becoming overwhelmed by someone's body odor, the Erie Canal is a lot bigger than that photo in my sixth grade social studies book.
Best food I had today:  I guess the tofu burrito...that scares me.
What the Element would say about today if it could talk:  Phew!  (Should sound like my Grandmother when exclaimed.)
Most interesting famous site:  Bainbridge - Home of Elmer's Glue
Place I decided not to visit today: The Beer Cave in Oneonta
Tomorrow's predicted highlight:  Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, NY

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