Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 10 - The day the mighty moose continued to elude me

Day 10
Lusk, WY - Grand Teton National Park (last possible campground before hitting Yellowstone)
Driving Time:  10 hours...including 2 hour drive through park
Found a great coffee shop in Lusk for a bagel and tea.  Successfully dodged a deer wandering into town and a pick-up adorned with Sarah Palin bumper stickers.  Considered myself off to a good start.  You might be small town if...funeral home notices are hung in the window of your only grocery store so people know when calling hours are.  Although earlier in the day I passed through Lost Springs pop. 4, so I guess Lusk is    kind of a big city with 844.  Continued on with a long drive.  Stopped at a Wyoming Audubon spot and found some new birds and got a lesson on poisonous snakes from a local couple walking two cute dogs that apparently eat salad.  It’s funny where conversations go.  Then a drive through the Tetons as the sun went down.  Beautiful.  Bison, deer, moose.  
Best name seen for lodging:  C’mon Inn
Range in gas price during this drive:  $3.32 to $4.09  Supply and demand...who knew there were oil wells in Wyoming?
Biggest benefit in small town America:  gas stations sell everything

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