Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 27 - Armadillo Day

Day 27
Perryville, AR - Tupelo, MS (Birthplace of Elvis)

7:15am  Breakfast with Sarah & her cutie pie daughter from Heifer Study Tour trip
8:00am  Nap
10:00am Tour of Heifer Ranch - fed a camel & a llama
11:30am  Gift Shop
12:30pm  Hit the road for Little Rock
2:00pm Visited Global Village & took a tour of the super green Heifer Headquarters building and said hi to Todd, our Study Tour Team Leader
4:00pm On the road to Memphis
6:00pm Arrived at Graceland to realize they lock it up at 5
7:30pm Saw Armadillo
9:00pm Arrived in Tupelo, MS

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