Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 26 - The Day I Milked a Goat

Day 26
Elk City, OK - Perryville, AR  Heifer Ranch

Long day of driving through places that were about 108 degrees today but it ended at the Heifer Ranch where I:
* took a quick look through the gift shop to see what damage I can do tomorrow
* took lots of fun photos
* milked a goat
* walked three goats back to their pasture on a leash
* rode in the farm truck through the cow pasture with one of the volunteers
* had the best meal of the trip so far at a Mexican place in town
* checked into one of the rooms at the ranch that is super clean and comfortable
Tomorrow is breakfast with Sarah, one of the Honduras trip leaders...a tour of the ranch...more shopping and then back to the road.

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