Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 24 - The day I neither drove north to Arches or south to the Saguaros

Day 24
Flagstaff, AZ - Albuquerque, NM

I've somehow lost track of my mission...seeing every cool thing the US has to offer before returning home.  :-)  The days are fewer and the places more.  Better get busy on that list of places to visit once I get back home.  Today I went to Petrified Forest National Park.  It wasn't that scary.  The photo above is of the Painted Desert.

You may have been on the road too long...
...if your seat breathes a sigh of relief each time you get out of the car.
...if taking photos from the driver's seat seems like the perfect angle for any shot.
...if you get almost as excited about unlimited salad bars as you do National Parks.
...if you've seen at least one appendage that looks real floating downstream.
...if your new best friend is your container of Lady Anti Monkey Butt Anti Friction Powder.
...if you're not sure how many public restrooms you've made use of in recent weeks.
...if you have nightmares of dropping essential items into pit toilets.
...if you've worked out a plan of how to retrieve said essential items.
...if you've devised a way to wedge your cell phone between your bra and seat belt for hands free car chats.
...if you have no idea what city you are in when you wake up or go to sleep.
...and last but not least, you know you've been on the road too long when it just seems run of the mill that the old man checking into the Super 8 ahead of you asks where the hospital is because he has kidney stones and may need to go there during the night.  It's not odd that he's driven from Colorado after getting a shot of morphine at his home hospital, which has has followed up with morphine pills.  It hardly even seems strange when he mentions his leg is still bleeding quite a bit and you and the hotel clerk gaze down to see some sort of medical apparatus hanging from his leg under his shorts.  All in a days travel.

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