Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 4 - Bird Overload

Birds I saw today that I know the names of:  Belted Kingfisher, Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Mallard, Northern Shoveler, Acovet, Dowitcher, Sandpiper, Anna's Hummingbird, Mockingbird, Cormorant, Cinnamon Teal, Green Winged Teal, Ring Neck Duck, some sort of Thrasher, some kind of parakeet that people released to the wild and it survived and multiplied, various sparrows, geese and about 20 others I haven't ID'ed yet.  My eyes are tired.  Tomorrow I meet my bird guide at 7am for 10 hours of more birding.  Yippee!!
PS  This is me at Saguaro National Park.  Why people refuse to put your feet at the bottom of a photo I'll never know.  I didnt really care if the podium was in the photo, but the top of the cactus would have been great.  ;-)

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