Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Arizona Day 3 - To Tempe I Go

Woke up in Sedona at 33 degrees.
Had my second bagel at NYC Bagel (btw...nothing like NYC Bagels :-))
Red Rock State Park for a hummingbird fly and a close up of some sort of woodpecker I have yet to ID.
Dead Horse Ranch State Park to peruse three lagoons full of birds.
Checked in at my airbnb spot in Tempe, got a hot lead on a birding spot in next town.
Arrived at the Riparian something something as the sun went down and saw more birds in one hour than I've probably seen in all my birding outings combined.  Dozens of hummingbirds feet away, a rabbit, water birds, osprey, herons and a bird in a cactus.
Going to bed in Tempe at 73 degrees.  Tomorrow's high is predicted at 80.  Yikes.
Goal for tomorrow:  Don't let my cold slow my brain down enough that it wastes time I'd rather be doing something other than driving to long to find a place I should already be.

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