Sunday, February 19, 2012

Arizona...Day 1...The Day I Sat Down

Here's where I spent most of my day.  Riveting.
Places I sat down today:
The sofa to check my e-mail
The bed to put on my shoes
The car to ride to the airport
The airport waiting for my flight
The airplane for 7.5 hours
A rental car for 2.5 hours
A Sedona backyard under the stars...sigh.

Today's highlights:  Being surrounded by cacti as I drove from Phoenix to Sedona, hanging out in the flight cockpit chatting with the Southwest pilots, having the Budget Rental Car attendant thank me for being a teacher because they had changed his life so much, realizing the place I'm staying is one block from an organic vegetarian restaurant, 2 block from a Whole Foods equivalent and three blocks from the turn to the airport where I have my helicopter tour tomorrow.  I believe I have left the locusts behind!  More to come tomorrow when I plan to spend more time standing up than sitting down.

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