Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Arizona Day 2 - Things I Learned in Sedona

Things I Learned In Sedona
1)  Everything coming out of the ground has sharp, flesh-tearing spines.
2)  Sometimes a Hummer Tour has one bump too many.
3)  Even if you get airsick the views from a helicopter are amazing.
4)  My heart beats really quickly if I see more new birds than I can snap photos of all at once.
5)  Red Rocks are beautiful in any light.
6)  Just because you've lived at sea level your whole life is no reason to forget that higher altitudes suck the breath out of you.
7)  Denzel makes a good action flick even if he is kind of annoying.
8)  The Chocola Tree has the best potato soup in the states.

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