Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 7 - More Corn

Day 7
Cedar Falls, IA - Valentine, NE
9.5 hours of corn, soybeans & cows

Fun Facts:
* Rick and Terry Kottman are great hosts!  I recommend that everyone visit at least once in their lifetime.
* The size of one's ankles seems to run in direct proportion to the number of hours driven x temperature squared
* The USA grows crazy amounts of corn and soybeans
* Dairy Queen has a new mini size blizzard
* The midwest is just as barren as you've heard and there's more corn than you can imagine
* The Missouri River is flooded, don't plan on taking Route 29 as a scenic birding route
* It is impossible to keep a windshield bug free in Nebraska
* Try having your headlights on after dark if you don't want to get pulled over by the Valentine, NE police department
*  Heat index yesterday - 115 degrees
*  Heat index today - 106
* I know now that there must be air conditioning in heaven

Not fun facts:
* I witnessed my first cattle feed lot today.  It smelled like raw sewage with cows packed in like sardines, no room to move, no grass to eat and no shelter on a day that was 106 degrees.  Please eat meat responsibly...know where your meat comes from.
* A bird hit my windshield
* I got a sad animal chicken sandwich today when I ordered a Filet-O-Fish at McDonald's

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