Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 11 - Here Moosey moosey...

Day 11 Yellowstone
Grand Teton NP - Yellowstone NP
Drove around all day stopping at various thermal features and animals sightings.
Realization of the day:  Yellowstone is huge and full of turnoffs of all sorts
Realization #2:  It is overwhelming to try to figure out what to do if you only want to spend 1.5 days in Yellowstone.
Realization #3:  This feeling of being overwhelmed is multiplied by lack of internet to research the sights you’d most like to see.
Solution:  Visit gift shop and purchase a cool mug and a bumper sticker and just keep on driving
Problem of the day:  Everyone else decided to camp in Yellowstone tonight, too.  Had to drive out of park and stay at a spot that only allows hard sided tents, no pop-ups...due to grizzly bear activity.  I’ll believe it when I see it.  
If had a photo of an animal in the roadway for every sign that said, “Caution:  Animal in Roadway” I’d have a lot of photos.  So far I’ve seen one deer cross the roadway.  I think they paid him just to make the signs not a total lie.  
Deep thought of the day:  “There are not enough warning signs in the world to account for stupid.”  After reading a huge sign about the importance of staying on the walkway at the thermal features, including statistics of people who have been burned to death in their acidic grips, I still saw people hopping off the boardwalk for photo ops, touching the ground to see if it was really hot and sticking their hand in the streams of boiling water.  Most of these actions sent the ranger on duty into a complete state of panic as she ran toward the people screaming.  I say there’s a lot to be said for survival of the fittest.  Let’s take down the signs and just let common sense be our guide.  

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