Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 12 - The Day I Met Lee and Tiva

Day 12
Yellowstone NP - Lewis & Clark State Park, Montana
Total Miles:  A lot
Total Bison:  Probably more than miles
Total Bug Bites:  About 15
Hours to Glacier NP: 4.5

Today's highlight was meeting Lee and and dog.  They are traveling from Oregon to Arkansas together...on a bicycle with an attached cart for Tiva to sit on as Lee pedals!  I caught up with them during a water break.  Apparently lots of people have been enjoying the photo op, even Tiva was looking great for the camera.  Yesterday they were being tracked by a wolf until someone in a truck came by and gave them a ride out of harms way.  Very interesting fellow.  I think I should have invited him to have some lunch with me and stolen a bit more time to talk.  The side of the road with bugs circling like vultures is not the best spot to chat.

Tomorrow it's off to Glacier where I am determined to see a moose, mountain goats a bear or two and bighorn sheep (I think they have those.)

Animals, new to me, I'm pretty sure I've seen so far: bison, elk, mule deer, marmot, pica, black wolf, pronghorn & lots of new birds I haven't IDed yet.

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